Looking to economize a bit on your makeup and skincare? You don't have to hit the dollar bins. In a move to upscale its makeup and skincare department, Target has added JK Jemma Kidd to its roster of designer lines. The JK line is priced a bit less than her prestige line found in department stores, but if you're looking for rock-bottom pricing, you won't find it here: prices range from $14 for an eye pencil to $36 for a cute fashion palette (shown).
I'm not sure if this is hitting at exactly the right time or not. Will women balk at spending $17 for a lip gloss or mascara at Target? Or is Target hitting that sweet spot of women who are keeping away from the malls but who still want a little something-something for themselves? JK Jemma Kidd seems to be the perfect indulgence for a girl who wants a shopping trip to encompass more than a TP-and-Kleenex run.