Recently the Rosewood Hotels & Resorts group opened up a lovely new property, The Mansion on Peachtree, here in Atlanta. I was with a group of women who were there for a professional dinner. Then came a tour of
the Spa. It was a stop-the-presses moment. You could see all of us eyeing each other, thought bubbles looming over our heads like "if I hide under this massage table, I can be first in line in the morning." Everything was in restful shades of brown, cream, and blue, from the smallest details on the shelves to the gently-pattering fountains. We spoke in whispers -- the sheet threadcounts and luminous tile really did say "hallowed ground," I swear.
Now, I'm more of an Everygirl. I know that my lot in life is not to visit spaces like these every week (or, sadly, every month). And I'm not the coveting sort. But if I write the next Harry Potter, or discover how to cure cellulite, or somehow inherit a fortune from a long-lost Hilton relative? You'd have to pry me out of Spa 29 by my cold, dead -- and exquisitely-manicured -- hands.
Intrigued? Check out a sister Mansion/Rosewood spa in
New York, or
California. And report back to us. Was it good for you, too?